This is me and nate on graduation day - the happiest day of our lives! God, and what a day! It kicked off with both of
us waking up at entirely different times! i mean, what are the chances of that happening? slim to none, i'd say. well anyway,
as i've said, it was graduation day - the happiest day of our lives - a day both of us will never forget. . . .but for
all the wrong reasons. me, nate and steve the cat. . . ok i know what you're thinking ' boy i'd love to have sex
with Heidi Klum' . . . .but that's irrelevant right now, at the moment it's time to explain our good friend
steve the cat. now steve the cat aint your regular run of the mill guy, i mean he has all his vital organs in the right place,
it's just he wasn't born quite normal. his mother was a perfectly normal and well respected human being - born and bred
in Brislington - she was the envy of all the girls in town. but then she fell into the wrong crowd. she went down hill
from then on - drugs, alcohol, theft. . . even the odd duck snorting - well eventually she got her self pregnant.
nothing abnormal there, right? wrong. the father wasn't exactly waht you'd call a 'model father' in fact he was about
as far from being 'model' as you could be . you see, steve the cat's father was a tree.
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