Hey everyone, it's the famous John, a.ka - "the proprioter of this establishment". And hes here to tell you about the
dangers of scientific chemicals in todays modern society within the slums of bristol in this exclusive interview.
NATH : I must admit John, ive been awaiting this day for along time, so what can you tell us about nitric acid?
: Well thats simple nathan, you see, nitric acid is about as dangerous as putting an ink cartridge in a sandwich and not eating
it, but leaving it in a briefcase to rust, like so many broken dreams before it.
NATH : I see, and what are you going
to do to keep the youngsters of byker grove away from adhesive.
JOHN : Well thats an easy one nathan, you see, im going
to issue evry youth or adolescant with a baretta 9mm handgun, in doing so will place their attention elsewhere, so we can
focus on the real issues, the asians.
NATH : I see,its nice to see that there are still people like you in this world.
now moving onto propane
JOHN : (interrupting) Propane is a gas.
NATH : Oh.
My conclusion ::: JOhn is a busy man with busy matters, but his legacy will live on in thse amusing pictures.