Nath : So Jeff, when did this whole Crossdress thing start? Jeff: Well it kinda started about a year ago Nath:Go
on Jeff:I.I had kinda fallen in love with the female lead role of disney films and i thought 'Hey!if Marlon Brando can
do it, then so can I Nath: I see, so what about that incident in the whitehouse? Jeff: well that was the presidents
fault, he shouldnt really have been mouthing off like that. Nath: Oh really? Jeff: Yes..really. Nath : So what are
you working on at the moment Jeff: Ive kinda been working on a music project envolving of just a glockenspiel and a maracha.i
call it "X CAT" Nath: so why do you have that thing on your hand? Jeff : Because you touch yourself at night
my interpretation : Gas isnt fun to play with, it starts harmless, but sooner or later someone gets hurt.